Top of the mornin' to ya

Are you wearing green? Ooo I'll give you such a pinch. The youngest is home today. Because of spring conferences for grades K-6, spring break starts today. The teenager's break starts tomorrow. A whole week of wholesome family togetherness. Should prove interesting to see if any of us comes out of this unscathed. Overall as a family we hold together as a family pretty well. But a whole week cooped up in the house with no one to pick on but each other? I ask you do you really believe that any of us will come out of the other side of spring break whole? I'd say more holey than holy.

I'm a winner! Marcia held a little contest on her blog called guess the body part and I won. I recieved ten skeins of a Donegal tweed. See, all you have to do to get us lurkers to come out is dangle yarn in front of them and then watch us creep out of the shadows and fall all over ourselves for it. I'm thinking that I would like to knit the Bookworm vest from the Folk Vests book that I recieved as a gift at Christmas. It may be a while yet I still have quite a few projects to finish before I think about starting that project. No seriously.

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