My friend Lisa is talented. In her former life Lisa was a dancer and dance instructor. One of the dance pro.s in Dancing with the Stars was a former student of hers.
My friend Lisa is creative. She ties the toilet paper into bows on the roll for her guests in the guest bathroom. She knits cute little bunnies and she knits teddy bears as gifts for each of her children to open on Christmas morning.
My friend Lisa is devoted. I can't think of any other reason for how a self professed carnivore can happily thrive amongst a family of vegetarians.
My friend Lisa is enthusiastic. Lisa thinks I should be on her team: The Cure-ageous Knitters to walk from dusk until dawn for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life Event. She was part of this walk last year and had so much fun and was so inspired that she wanted to do it again this year, only this time she wants us all to walk with her.
My friend Lisa is crazy! But I like Lisa and so I said I would do it. ( Never say I don't love you enough)
So on Friday night, July 21st you can find me at the Eden Prairie Central School walking the track and knitting, maybe even at the same time.
I walk in memory of our Aunt Beulah and I walk in celebration of Lisa for there's one more thing about my friend Lisa. Lisa is an ovarian cancer survivor.
If you wish to make a donation to the American Cancer Society, clicking on the Relay for Life Icon will take you to our team page or you can go to my personal page by clicking here.
4 Opinions:
Amen. Have a great time tonight! I hope to stop by and see everyone!
Beautiful, just beautiful.
And didn't we have fun!
Awww Shucks. You crack me up.... and you made me cry too. (Happy tears) Thank you Kelle. You are wonderful.
Just wait till you see what I have in store for next year!
Lisa is also very narcissistic. She can't stop reading your post over and over. What can she say, I (I mean SHE) needs the validation.
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